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Steps To Forgiveness

Steps to Forgiveness, written by William Dallas. Learn how to build thriving businesses, access millions of dollars in funding, and create an intergenerational wealth system. There will be a 30 day of Fundamental Training and a 90-day Development Process. We created training courses that will allow our members an in-depth access to develop a strong credit foundation, create a profitable business profile and build credit to acquire more funds.

What you will learn:

  • Develop a strong credit foundation.
  • Build a business strategy to yield your financial goals.
  • Create a profitable business profile.
  • The 3 essential strategies to wealth building
  • How to create an attack opportunities mindset and win
  • The secrets to building a successful business in any season
  • The 3 most effective funding sources for your business

"There will be a 30 day of Fundamental Training and a 90-day Development Process. "
by, William Dallas
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